
What are the parallels between sports management and business management?

| Mangement the parallels between sport and business

I believe that a manager in sport and a manager in business can both manage in both worlds. All actions, choices and decisions must be oriented towards the common goal.

Managing men and women to achieve this objective has a common rule, which is to understand the different issues at stake, where everyone must understand their role and give their all to reach the objective.

There's that complex thing that comes into play, the emotions that go with it, and that need to be managed in the best possible way for the best result. A similar process which is: 1- The objective, 2- How to reach it, 3- What tools, resources and skills do we have at our disposal, 4- How to work to improve them (video analysis, strength training, skills, data ...), 5- Putting it into practice (rehearsals, training sessions) and finally the test, exams (matches, competitions). That's more than similar, isn't it?

The difference between the two is the frequency of reviews. I believe that management is first and foremost about managing people.

The human being and the complexity of his beliefs; and above all, management of the different emotions that make up the human being: fear, joy, sadness, pleasure, love, desire... But also more complex sensations such as self-confidence, fear of a thing or a person, knowing how to put one's ego aside and many others.

Successfully instilling confidence, or restoring it, is a painstaking process. No position is assigned at random, and the skills required to occupy it must be present. But everyone's desire, rigor and determination fade with time.

The hardest thing for managers is to keep the fire and desire in everyone to keep moving forward, to perform and succeed.